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"Gawlik Films"

Over the semester, I have been working very hard on various things and although I don't have any films to show, I still was working.  For example, I watched countless tutorials on the different ways to edit, color correct, tazcam work, and more.  I also learned again how to operate a camera, the different ways to film, making sure I knew how to get good shots, have good lighting, and make sure I had sound.  I did rack my phone for the past two weeks, I am unsure about the first week, I know I was on time 100% of the time, I listened to a speech by Mr. Muench, went to the Gawlik room, and started to work.  The reason I didn't do any independent films was because I didn't know how to fully operate the camera or know how to use the tazcam correctly until now.  I didn't get into a group because all the groups were full or they just kept the same groups as they did in the beginning of the year and I didn't have a group then either.  Anyways, I also worked on film scoring a little during Mr. Freebern's electronic music class to use that in a film, unfortunately I ran out of time.  The films I made this year were my plushies, the news interview about drug problems in Manchester with the Police Chief, a PSA with Oscar on the life of a teacher, starring Mrs. Miceli, freaks and geeks (bust), and finally the wedding scene in Aedan's movie.  I tried to think of ideas for a movie to make, but overall I guess I just lack that creative thinking so I didn't make a movie on my own.  I joined the class to do group work so I could brainstorm ideas with classmates for a good idea because I wanted to make a Gawlik, but I never got into a group so that just ruined it.  I didnt have as productive as a semester as I wanted, but I did work, I didnt slack off, if I didnt have something due, I would watch tutorials or practice using a camera with different settings, I kept myself busy.  

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