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While making my plushie film I had a lot of fun, I learned some things, and I got another chance t make a film.  I took shots outside of close up and far away.  I also learned how to edit correctly, I got help from Mr. Muench and some of the advanced students so I could finish.  I knew how to edit mostly, although I had some trouble with transitions and importing my film onto my Jimdo Page.  Although, afterwards, after making another plushie film, I am eager to start the real meat of this class, making films with other students, learning all the steps, and eventually being in the Gawliks

My second Plushie Film, fifth in my career actually, went well, I added a lot of new things in this film and tried something new.  Like, I added the song Paint it Black by:  The Rolling Stones and tried a small montage of fast clips that went with the beat.  Each clip went closer and closer to the plushie and when the beat saddled out, it was on the plushie's face.  It was fun making this because with the song, I knew when the beat dropped and how I could import the clips into the right spots.  The editing was actually very easy, after doing a few films, I think I have a could handle on it, but I will work harder to improve my skills and become better.  I had fun making this and I hope to make many more just like it.

For this plushie film, I chose the frosty the snowman stuffed animal.  I chose to shoot in high places and basically try to kill the thing.  This was a lot easier than my previous films because I knew already how to use the camera, how to take the right shots, and how to make a somewhat good film.  Throughout this semester, I want to get better at making films and this is a warmup for my main film.  I want to continue last year's work and make a military film casting different people from different wars or service.  This is my newest Plushie film made in 2019, I am going to edit in a title next week.



Brian Gawlik:  Brian Gawlik is a very important person for the BBA Cinematography Program, a dear friend of Bill Muench, he died from Leukemia on December 8th, 2009, the Gawlik Awards are dedicated to him because of his hard work and dedication to the program.

Gawlik Room:  The Gawlik room is named after Brian Gawlik and is dedicated to his hard work for the BBA Cinematography Program.  It is the room right next to the green screen room and is a place where students can work on films and edit, it is also a place to hangout and have fun.

Canon Vixia:  This is a camera that can only take videos, it is the camera we used to make our plushie films and although it is great for taking videos, it cannot take pictures which can be annoying at times.

Clip:  A clip is a small part of a film, there are millions of clips in a movie because you have to have clips to make a great film,.  We learned how to make good clips in our plushie films, but there were only a small amount of them because it was a 30 second to a minute film.

Editing:  Editing is one of the main parts of making a film, once you take a lot of clips, as many as you need,  and then you edit then all to make the perfect film.

Event (in FCPX):  An event is a new work in progress in final cut pro x, it is how you divide your projects in the app and separate them in your library.

Final Cut Pro X (FCPX):  It is a software tool that the cinematography program at BBA uses to edit films and make great ones, even gawlik material.

“Fix it in Post”

Initializing SD Card in Canon Vixia:  This is how you take your sd card and see what is on it, also knowing how to use it.

Jonathon Levin:  Jonathan Levin was a man in the Nicholson family, he was brutally tortured by 2 of his students when he went to New York to teach kids with poverty.  Jonathan Levin was talking about his friend who had a lot of money in his bank account and the 2 kids thought he was talking about him so they broke into his house and tortured him for the bank account number.  He is a constant reminder to the cinema program and we dedicate the hall of the basement of the smith center to him.  

Library (in FCPX):  The library in final cut pro x is where you put all of your events and projects, it is the place to store all of your films.

“Lock it down / or lock it up”

BBA News Room:  The BBA News room was once in Alexander Vincent's room, but it got moved to the green screen room next to the cinematography room.  It is an important part of the cinema program.

Pre-production:  Re-Production is when you are starting a production, all of the things you need, the people you need, and the props/editing software.

Post-production:  Post production is like the cleanup, it is when you have finished all of your work and you are finally ready to start making the movie.

Project (in FCPX):  a project in Final cut Pro X is like an event, it is the place where you edit and make your film a perfect specimen for the Gawlik Awards.

Scene:  A scene is a bunch of clips put together to make 1 scene, it is a main part of the cinema [rogress and you need a bunch of scenes full of clips to make a movie

Timeline:  A timeline is a bunch of scenes put together in order to make a movie, it shows the structure of the movie and you can't have a good movie without a good timeline.

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